Changing of the Guard
I sit on the brink,
The sun has set on this year amidst promising pink,
And now the year is ending,
Abba, my life you are slowly mending,
Before it ends,
I want to thank you for all the unforeseen twists and bends,
I sit on the brink,
I wait for the year to finally sink,
You have guided my path,
Without you I couldn’t do even the simplest spiritual math,
Hallelujah to my king,
I soar under your healing wing,
I sit on the brink,
Watching the old and new link,
The changing of the guard,
Is happening right now in my yard,
The beginning of all that is new,
Father, I thank you for my friends in the pew,
I sit on the brink,
My savior looks back and pauses for a wink,
I know with him I’ll be fine,
I’m gonna let this light shine,
I know I’ll make some mistakes along the way,
But that’s why I’ve gotta tell others of what he came here to say,
So I sit on the brink,
I sit on the brink,
On the brink...
About Me
- Psalmer
- "There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain." -Babylon 5
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
I’m a hopeless wretch
My life’s story in front of me you etch
I’m a dirty imperfection
You show me my potential reflection
Despite your love I still lust
I spit in your loving face- and sometimes cussed
I constantly turn my back on the life tree
Yet “Faithful!” you decree
I don’t deserve this Lord
That is why I’m playing this psalm on my chord
Hallelujah to the Lamb
He is my protecting dam
Hallelujah to my king
Soon it will be spring
For your love
Falls from above
So I thank you
For without the raft I’d be drowning in blue....
My life’s story in front of me you etch
I’m a dirty imperfection
You show me my potential reflection
Despite your love I still lust
I spit in your loving face- and sometimes cussed
I constantly turn my back on the life tree
Yet “Faithful!” you decree
I don’t deserve this Lord
That is why I’m playing this psalm on my chord
Hallelujah to the Lamb
He is my protecting dam
Hallelujah to my king
Soon it will be spring
For your love
Falls from above
So I thank you
For without the raft I’d be drowning in blue....
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Myth Trap
A little winged devil flies through the heavens
His wicked bow and arrow pierce the hearts of the fickle
The cherubic demon does not give us a chance for sevens
He makes us lust after buety; causing our mouths to trickle
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
Yea, he causes the best of us to want matin’
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
He grips our hearts and sets out for taintin’
He makes us reach for those that are out of our reach
He pulls his bow back and catches us unguarded; sleepin’ on the beach
His arrow pierces our eyes
This minion of Satan just feeds us lies
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
Yea, he makes us fall in love with those that have all the hatin’
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan,
And I’m tired for all this sitting around and waitin’...
His wicked bow and arrow pierce the hearts of the fickle
The cherubic demon does not give us a chance for sevens
He makes us lust after buety; causing our mouths to trickle
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
Yea, he causes the best of us to want matin’
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
He grips our hearts and sets out for taintin’
He makes us reach for those that are out of our reach
He pulls his bow back and catches us unguarded; sleepin’ on the beach
His arrow pierces our eyes
This minion of Satan just feeds us lies
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan
Yea, he makes us fall in love with those that have all the hatin’
Yea, Cupid’s the spawn of Satan,
And I’m tired for all this sitting around and waitin’...
Monday, December 12, 2005
I still stand on the threshold
Not quite where I wish
Part of me wants to fold
Will I ever be able to hook a fish?
I’ve been working for years
Blisters cover my weary hands
All I get from my peers is their cold shoulders and rears
I am sick and tired of trudging through the same sands!
I’m lost in this cold world of technology
I wish I could just be a lone hermit
There has to be more to life than memorizing useless chronology
I feel like a puppet; a manipulated Kermit!
I don’t see the point in these enclosing bars
The path that lies before me already seems to be cement
All I want to do is live by myself and write on Mars
All these sums and formulas just seem to add to my detriment!
I’ve come to another fork in my road
I don’t know which way is right
I feel I’m carrying too heavy a load
The light at the end of my tunnel seems to be out of sight!
I fear I cannot go ahead
I pray for guidance
My energy seems to be drained and dead
All I hear is silence...
Not quite where I wish
Part of me wants to fold
Will I ever be able to hook a fish?
I’ve been working for years
Blisters cover my weary hands
All I get from my peers is their cold shoulders and rears
I am sick and tired of trudging through the same sands!
I’m lost in this cold world of technology
I wish I could just be a lone hermit
There has to be more to life than memorizing useless chronology
I feel like a puppet; a manipulated Kermit!
I don’t see the point in these enclosing bars
The path that lies before me already seems to be cement
All I want to do is live by myself and write on Mars
All these sums and formulas just seem to add to my detriment!
I’ve come to another fork in my road
I don’t know which way is right
I feel I’m carrying too heavy a load
The light at the end of my tunnel seems to be out of sight!
I fear I cannot go ahead
I pray for guidance
My energy seems to be drained and dead
All I hear is silence...
Friday, December 09, 2005
Soul Salesman
Dear Brothers,
So I suddenly got this idea when my aide at home (she's really cool) was on the phone to her granddaughter....and her granddaughter told her to call her back...and my aide said no because she had no more minutes on her cell phone. But her granddaughter said, but I'm your granddaughter! My aide replied: "I wouldn't give a kitty if you were Jesus, if you wanna talk to me call me yourself" Much to my amusemant. So that got me thinkin'....
Soul Salesman- An Exposition
“Hello, Daniel White speaking, who is this?”
“Hello, Daniel, This is Jesus.”
“Wha-um….I think you have the wrong number.”
“No…no…this is the right number.”
“Are you selling something?”
“Well…in a way…yeah.”
“Dude, you are starting to creep me out!”
“I know…I know…I just have a message for you.”
“I’ll call the cops!…I can track your phone line!”
“Oh…. (warm chuckles crackle across the phone line) I don’t think they’ll be able to track this phone line…unless they had a key to get to my pad…. and Pete still has it with him up here; at least he did last night at the football game. Those angels always have an advantage over the dead people. I think we should institute some sort of rule about blinding lights…”
“You’re an absolute lunatic!”
“That was the popular theory when I was down there too.”
“I’ll hang-“
“Have patience, young man, patience. I just wanted to tell you that everything is going to be fine. My father is in control of everything…just don’t open the door. Lucifer is prowling around your apartment building. Do not invite him inside. Looks can be deceiving; he may be cleanly looking on the outside-
“Click-(a recorded woman’s voice) “Please hang up and try your call again”
“Why does nobody ever take heed to what I say the FIRST time? (Sigh) Daniel wake up!”
Daniel woke to a pounding at his front door. He must have fallen asleep again while writing his term paper. Suddenly, his dream flooded back to him, just as clear as it would have been in reality. Perhaps it was reality…Dan shook his head from sleep, trying to gain control of his overactive imagination. The doorbell now sounded, an almost agitated and impatient tone to its usually melodic greeting.
Something told Dan not to move though, as he remembered the warning through the phone in his dream. He attempted to move, but his brain was telling him to stay where he was. The knocking died away, and the doorbell ceased abruptly. Daniel turned to the Bible that his Mother had left him the night before. Just one look wouldn’t hurt…
So I suddenly got this idea when my aide at home (she's really cool) was on the phone to her granddaughter....and her granddaughter told her to call her back...and my aide said no because she had no more minutes on her cell phone. But her granddaughter said, but I'm your granddaughter! My aide replied: "I wouldn't give a kitty if you were Jesus, if you wanna talk to me call me yourself" Much to my amusemant. So that got me thinkin'....
Soul Salesman- An Exposition
“Hello, Daniel White speaking, who is this?”
“Hello, Daniel, This is Jesus.”
“Wha-um….I think you have the wrong number.”
“No…no…this is the right number.”
“Are you selling something?”
“Well…in a way…yeah.”
“Dude, you are starting to creep me out!”
“I know…I know…I just have a message for you.”
“I’ll call the cops!…I can track your phone line!”
“Oh…. (warm chuckles crackle across the phone line) I don’t think they’ll be able to track this phone line…unless they had a key to get to my pad…. and Pete still has it with him up here; at least he did last night at the football game. Those angels always have an advantage over the dead people. I think we should institute some sort of rule about blinding lights…”
“You’re an absolute lunatic!”
“That was the popular theory when I was down there too.”
“I’ll hang-“
“Have patience, young man, patience. I just wanted to tell you that everything is going to be fine. My father is in control of everything…just don’t open the door. Lucifer is prowling around your apartment building. Do not invite him inside. Looks can be deceiving; he may be cleanly looking on the outside-
“Click-(a recorded woman’s voice) “Please hang up and try your call again”
“Why does nobody ever take heed to what I say the FIRST time? (Sigh) Daniel wake up!”
Daniel woke to a pounding at his front door. He must have fallen asleep again while writing his term paper. Suddenly, his dream flooded back to him, just as clear as it would have been in reality. Perhaps it was reality…Dan shook his head from sleep, trying to gain control of his overactive imagination. The doorbell now sounded, an almost agitated and impatient tone to its usually melodic greeting.
Something told Dan not to move though, as he remembered the warning through the phone in his dream. He attempted to move, but his brain was telling him to stay where he was. The knocking died away, and the doorbell ceased abruptly. Daniel turned to the Bible that his Mother had left him the night before. Just one look wouldn’t hurt…
Thursday, December 08, 2005
White Day
Will it snow on this night?
Will we wake up to a world of white?
Will the cruel institutions be shut down?
Will freedom ring through this barren town?
The answer my friend is coming,
The answer my friend, will be numbing,
Will the light shine like a blanket?
Will joy fill the Earth like it’s wet?
Will we be free of our restraints?
Will we be free of the mold big brother paints?
The choir of change is humming,
The drums my friend are thrumming,
It’s time for you to change the course of history,
It’s time for you to unravel tomorrow’s mystery,
Life’s more than laboratories and textbooks,
Life’s more than partying and pretty looks,
And you are more than they say,
So will tomorrow be your White Day…
Will we wake up to a world of white?
Will the cruel institutions be shut down?
Will freedom ring through this barren town?
The answer my friend is coming,
The answer my friend, will be numbing,
Will the light shine like a blanket?
Will joy fill the Earth like it’s wet?
Will we be free of our restraints?
Will we be free of the mold big brother paints?
The choir of change is humming,
The drums my friend are thrumming,
It’s time for you to change the course of history,
It’s time for you to unravel tomorrow’s mystery,
Life’s more than laboratories and textbooks,
Life’s more than partying and pretty looks,
And you are more than they say,
So will tomorrow be your White Day…
A Blue Fork Pierces a White Road
On Tuesday night this week, I was talking to Gary (our chieftan) at Tribe, and he was saying how God was telling him how something big is about to happen, and how the times are changing. Well, God has been showing me that too. Especially after Gary said we are on the verge. I know Christ said "the kingdom of heaven is at hand", but I feel that this has always been true (at least after he was born), but I can tell we are "Livin' on the Edge!" as Aerosmith puts it.
This week I got a test back for Math...and HALLELUJAH...I PASSED A MATH TEST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR! Kind of pathetic...I am aware....but none the less..I did. So that's one thing that is changed from previously. I also had a freind over at my house for the first time in like three years...he's awesome...check out his blog:
btw, Cliff, he's jewish (his foster parents are anyway) :) And he keeps on Iming me through this post....and it's awesome...I haven't talked to someone my age for this long a time...and have meaningful conversations before...and he's only a for him...ok now i must mock him.............ok..mocking over. :) God's showing me stuff again..his name on that is Golden Phoenix...and thats what his email has been for like the longest time he says it signifies: "to me, a phoenix represents me, i can get hit down, and come back up anew, and the golden part, not to be egotistical, is me being a gentlemen, and hopefully good at heart". But whoa....Abba, you are cool...Phoenix...Phoenix...Golden Phoenix...Phoenix
There is something very ethereal about that. We'll see what God does there....alas I digress..back to other new headphones Ian (Golden Phoenix) gave yeah....
So I was at the Christian group at my school today and we were doin' our worship thang....and I just started singing..cuz I was happy (just before God told me to push my manual chair down the school hallway by myself...just to exercise my arms...and my arms were slightly sore after it..but I feel so invigorated by the experience..that I'm gonna do it again...and again...and again) Yeah, so anyway, I was praising the Lord in this group (B.A.S.I.C. Brothers and Sisters in Christ) and I just began to sing my heart out....(very badly, despite the presence of females in the room) and I just praised him more..cuz even a month..and definetly a year ago...I would have been too self concious...especially with the sing in front of them (with them..they have beutiful voices...btw...;))...but now my God has given me strength and faith to praise him in the temples and streets...that now I will sing of him throughout all the Schools, Parks, Streets, Sidewalks, Garages, Coffee Houses, Pizzareas, Concerts, Podiums, Benches, lamposts....o...yeah....another thing to praise my lord for....Narnia.....THANK YOU LORD....yeah....lost my thread there...but my God is so great....and I praise him....for through him...I am ALREADY HEALED...SO DANKE ABBA...(see now I'm speaking in one day though) And today I also found out that many of my evangelical poems are gonna come out in the Literary Magazine on Monday or Tuesday....and people will finally be able to see Jeshua workin' through me via poetry and a story (all on my blog already) but, just another thing to thank my lord for. And also for my freinds that are just suddenly popping up EVERYWHERE....AND IT IS SO COOL...AND I THANK GOD...Anyway.....
These are all my freinds on blogger: (Gregory- the olive oil emperor :)) (Cliff- the piercing hobbit) (Ian- biggest Breaking Benjamin fan I know :)) (Tasso- the Greek philosophical dude)
God Bless
On Tuesday night this week, I was talking to Gary (our chieftan) at Tribe, and he was saying how God was telling him how something big is about to happen, and how the times are changing. Well, God has been showing me that too. Especially after Gary said we are on the verge. I know Christ said "the kingdom of heaven is at hand", but I feel that this has always been true (at least after he was born), but I can tell we are "Livin' on the Edge!" as Aerosmith puts it.
This week I got a test back for Math...and HALLELUJAH...I PASSED A MATH TEST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR! Kind of pathetic...I am aware....but none the less..I did. So that's one thing that is changed from previously. I also had a freind over at my house for the first time in like three years...he's awesome...check out his blog:
btw, Cliff, he's jewish (his foster parents are anyway) :) And he keeps on Iming me through this post....and it's awesome...I haven't talked to someone my age for this long a time...and have meaningful conversations before...and he's only a for him...ok now i must mock him.............ok..mocking over. :) God's showing me stuff again..his name on that is Golden Phoenix...and thats what his email has been for like the longest time he says it signifies: "to me, a phoenix represents me, i can get hit down, and come back up anew, and the golden part, not to be egotistical, is me being a gentlemen, and hopefully good at heart". But whoa....Abba, you are cool...Phoenix...Phoenix...Golden Phoenix...Phoenix
There is something very ethereal about that. We'll see what God does there....alas I digress..back to other new headphones Ian (Golden Phoenix) gave yeah....
So I was at the Christian group at my school today and we were doin' our worship thang....and I just started singing..cuz I was happy (just before God told me to push my manual chair down the school hallway by myself...just to exercise my arms...and my arms were slightly sore after it..but I feel so invigorated by the experience..that I'm gonna do it again...and again...and again) Yeah, so anyway, I was praising the Lord in this group (B.A.S.I.C. Brothers and Sisters in Christ) and I just began to sing my heart out....(very badly, despite the presence of females in the room) and I just praised him more..cuz even a month..and definetly a year ago...I would have been too self concious...especially with the sing in front of them (with them..they have beutiful voices...btw...;))...but now my God has given me strength and faith to praise him in the temples and streets...that now I will sing of him throughout all the Schools, Parks, Streets, Sidewalks, Garages, Coffee Houses, Pizzareas, Concerts, Podiums, Benches, lamposts....o...yeah....another thing to praise my lord for....Narnia.....THANK YOU LORD....yeah....lost my thread there...but my God is so great....and I praise him....for through him...I am ALREADY HEALED...SO DANKE ABBA...(see now I'm speaking in one day though) And today I also found out that many of my evangelical poems are gonna come out in the Literary Magazine on Monday or Tuesday....and people will finally be able to see Jeshua workin' through me via poetry and a story (all on my blog already) but, just another thing to thank my lord for. And also for my freinds that are just suddenly popping up EVERYWHERE....AND IT IS SO COOL...AND I THANK GOD...Anyway.....
These are all my freinds on blogger: (Gregory- the olive oil emperor :)) (Cliff- the piercing hobbit) (Ian- biggest Breaking Benjamin fan I know :)) (Tasso- the Greek philosophical dude)
God Bless
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Dork Ballad
I see them all the time,
As they walk by me without a glance,
I look for even the slightest romantic sign,
But I soon realized they were all in a trance,
In a trance,
In a trance,
In a trance,
Let them march to their own tune,
Their reign will be over soon,
But still their tyranny lasts,
The older ones say it will be better on the other side,
Though all I hear is the sound of canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
So let them march to their hypnotic drums,
While we pick up the leftover crumbs,
I don’t care anymore,
Before too long I’ll be off this floor,
Now I may be a loner,
But they’d have one if I become a moaner,
A moaner,
A moaner,
A moaner,
So let them march to their dooms,
We’ll be waiting to heal them in the Emergency rooms,
For now we will wait,
Until just before it is too late,
And we will be the ones to save the human race,
But for now; it’s slow and steady; and that’s our pace
As they walk by me without a glance,
I look for even the slightest romantic sign,
But I soon realized they were all in a trance,
In a trance,
In a trance,
In a trance,
Let them march to their own tune,
Their reign will be over soon,
But still their tyranny lasts,
The older ones say it will be better on the other side,
Though all I hear is the sound of canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
Canon blasts,
So let them march to their hypnotic drums,
While we pick up the leftover crumbs,
I don’t care anymore,
Before too long I’ll be off this floor,
Now I may be a loner,
But they’d have one if I become a moaner,
A moaner,
A moaner,
A moaner,
So let them march to their dooms,
We’ll be waiting to heal them in the Emergency rooms,
For now we will wait,
Until just before it is too late,
And we will be the ones to save the human race,
But for now; it’s slow and steady; and that’s our pace
Turkish Delight
Lord, I want to praise
Lord, I don’t want to be caught up in the Turkish delight craze,
So I sing your name on high,
Because of you; my spirit soars high,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are the once and future king,
No one can take your place,
You help me at my own pace,
You love me even when I sin,
You settle my mind’s restless din,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are the once and future king
When I want that seductive delight,
You keep your glory within my sight,
And I play on my harp painted with blue dye,
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai, Adonai,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are my once and future king…
Lord, I don’t want to be caught up in the Turkish delight craze,
So I sing your name on high,
Because of you; my spirit soars high,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are the once and future king,
No one can take your place,
You help me at my own pace,
You love me even when I sin,
You settle my mind’s restless din,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are the once and future king
When I want that seductive delight,
You keep your glory within my sight,
And I play on my harp painted with blue dye,
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai, Adonai,
God, for you I do sing,
For God, you are my once and future king…
The Fishing King
Many men search for an answer
An answer to all their suffering
An ending to all their sickness
But few have found this Grail
Like the king of old Corbenic
Who was wounded in battle
And became bitter in old age
While his kingdom fell into
Darkness and obscurity
All of us strive to find
An end to all our cruel humanity
An end to all our endless wars
But we find that we are chasing
Ghosts; that seem to mock us
The truth of the matter is
The answer is right in front of us
We don’t have to go anywhere
To find the Holy Grail
Knights in all the land
May come to “heal” us
But like in the tales of old
They all fail in the end
What we must do
Is look inside our
Souls and find the truth
He is in everything we do
He is the very thing that keeps us going
He is the very thing that makes being a Human
Such an awesome responsibility
He is Love
And love is the great healer
Like gallant Galahad in the stories
Love comes to our broken wastelands
And makes us smile
And heals our broken hearts
As we head out the door to tell the truth of the Grail…
An answer to all their suffering
An ending to all their sickness
But few have found this Grail
Like the king of old Corbenic
Who was wounded in battle
And became bitter in old age
While his kingdom fell into
Darkness and obscurity
All of us strive to find
An end to all our cruel humanity
An end to all our endless wars
But we find that we are chasing
Ghosts; that seem to mock us
The truth of the matter is
The answer is right in front of us
We don’t have to go anywhere
To find the Holy Grail
Knights in all the land
May come to “heal” us
But like in the tales of old
They all fail in the end
What we must do
Is look inside our
Souls and find the truth
He is in everything we do
He is the very thing that keeps us going
He is the very thing that makes being a Human
Such an awesome responsibility
He is Love
And love is the great healer
Like gallant Galahad in the stories
Love comes to our broken wastelands
And makes us smile
And heals our broken hearts
As we head out the door to tell the truth of the Grail…
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Wisdom of Mama Gump
Dear Peeps,
This used to be on the header to this blog, but I didn't want it anymore on the header. However, I still wanted to post I did:
Life really is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes it can be bitter, sometimes it can be sweet. Sometimes it looks sweet on the outside, but it turns out bitter. Sometimes it just plain tastes bad. Sometimes you want to savor its taste melting in your mouth. Sometimes you can waste it so quickly that its gone before you know it. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy what kind of box was given to you. But most of all, I love chocolate. :)
This used to be on the header to this blog, but I didn't want it anymore on the header. However, I still wanted to post I did:
Life really is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes it can be bitter, sometimes it can be sweet. Sometimes it looks sweet on the outside, but it turns out bitter. Sometimes it just plain tastes bad. Sometimes you want to savor its taste melting in your mouth. Sometimes you can waste it so quickly that its gone before you know it. Sometimes you just gotta enjoy what kind of box was given to you. But most of all, I love chocolate. :)
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The Gospel of Pimp
We’ve been tricked,
The world is just a lie,
She shoves sex down our throats constantly,
She tells us we must have all the girls that playboy picked
But that is the world’s way to be content,
And that only leads to death,
The people that follow that path end up with emptiness inside,
Their lives get washed up and do not even bother to repent
You go around this world and know there’s gotta be something more,
We weren’t put on this Earth just by accident,
We aren’t just a bunch of random objects in space constantly colliding with one another,
But you don’t really face the truth until you have tripped and fallen on the floor
When someone above this Earth puts you back on your feet,
And you know that he loves you more than a poem could convey,
You can finally put a smile on your face,
You begin to march to another drummer’s beat
I don’t pretend to be a man with the most power in the land,
Nor do I have any riches to show off,
I have no maidens to console me,
But I do know the touch of an angelic hand
Things of this world do not matter,
You do not need women to be a true pimp,
Beauty is fleeting,
And money just makes our greed even fatter
So now I am a disciple of the truest Gospel,
And the worth of a man is not by his wealth,
But a true pimp is in his perception,
He is happy in what his God has given him and rejoices for his life has been full.
The world is just a lie,
She shoves sex down our throats constantly,
She tells us we must have all the girls that playboy picked
But that is the world’s way to be content,
And that only leads to death,
The people that follow that path end up with emptiness inside,
Their lives get washed up and do not even bother to repent
You go around this world and know there’s gotta be something more,
We weren’t put on this Earth just by accident,
We aren’t just a bunch of random objects in space constantly colliding with one another,
But you don’t really face the truth until you have tripped and fallen on the floor
When someone above this Earth puts you back on your feet,
And you know that he loves you more than a poem could convey,
You can finally put a smile on your face,
You begin to march to another drummer’s beat
I don’t pretend to be a man with the most power in the land,
Nor do I have any riches to show off,
I have no maidens to console me,
But I do know the touch of an angelic hand
Things of this world do not matter,
You do not need women to be a true pimp,
Beauty is fleeting,
And money just makes our greed even fatter
So now I am a disciple of the truest Gospel,
And the worth of a man is not by his wealth,
But a true pimp is in his perception,
He is happy in what his God has given him and rejoices for his life has been full.
Anyone for Metaphors?

The once great dragon
Flew above the two legs’ city
Reminiscing of how things had
Changed since they first came
Once lush valleys covered the land
Then they had come with
Stone walls and steel; replacing
Green grass and forests
At first they feared and honored the majestic animal
Gasping as he flew passed
He did not fear them
He thought he was untouchable
He thought these primitive beasts could not harm him
He soon found out that he was greatly
They began to spread all across his once great
Forgetting it was not their own
Raping its fruit and erecting
Idols of their own invention
They drove the true king into the mountains
Away from his once happy home
They began to believe that he was just a myth
And began to disrespect this heavenly lands
The two footers built cities over what used to be
Apple orchards
The dragon began to fade
No longer a real being in the eyes of the wingless ones
The epitome of nobility and grace was
To be replaced by cynicism and logic
Beauty was forgotten
Man finally found what it meant to be alone and
Realizing he was no longer wanted on this Earth
He slipped out of memory and mind; and ceased to
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