The once great dragon
Flew above the two legs’ city
Reminiscing of how things had
Changed since they first came
Once lush valleys covered the land
Then they had come with
Stone walls and steel; replacing
Green grass and forests
At first they feared and honored the majestic animal
Gasping as he flew passed
He did not fear them
He thought he was untouchable
He thought these primitive beasts could not harm him
He soon found out that he was greatly
They began to spread all across his once great
Forgetting it was not their own
Raping its fruit and erecting
Idols of their own invention
They drove the true king into the mountains
Away from his once happy home
They began to believe that he was just a myth
And began to disrespect this heavenly lands
The two footers built cities over what used to be
Apple orchards
The dragon began to fade
No longer a real being in the eyes of the wingless ones
The epitome of nobility and grace was
To be replaced by cynicism and logic
Beauty was forgotten
Man finally found what it meant to be alone and
Realizing he was no longer wanted on this Earth
He slipped out of memory and mind; and ceased to