On Tuesday night this week, I was talking to Gary (our chieftan) at Tribe, and he was saying how God was telling him how something big is about to happen, and how the times are changing. Well, God has been showing me that too. Especially after Gary said we are on the verge. I know Christ said "the kingdom of heaven is at hand", but I feel that this has always been true (at least after he was born), but I can tell we are "Livin' on the Edge!" as Aerosmith puts it.
This week I got a test back for Math...and HALLELUJAH...I PASSED A MATH TEST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR! Kind of pathetic...I am aware....but none the less..I did. So that's one thing that is changed from previously. I also had a freind over at my house for the first time in like three years...he's awesome...check out his blog:
btw, Cliff, he's jewish (his foster parents are anyway) :) And he keeps on Iming me through this post....and it's awesome...I haven't talked to someone my age for this long a time...and have meaningful conversations before...and he's only a for him...ok now i must mock him.............ok..mocking over. :) God's showing me stuff again..his name on that is Golden Phoenix...and thats what his email has been for like the longest time he says it signifies: "to me, a phoenix represents me, i can get hit down, and come back up anew, and the golden part, not to be egotistical, is me being a gentlemen, and hopefully good at heart". But whoa....Abba, you are cool...Phoenix...Phoenix...Golden Phoenix...Phoenix
There is something very ethereal about that. We'll see what God does there....alas I digress..back to other new headphones Ian (Golden Phoenix) gave yeah....
So I was at the Christian group at my school today and we were doin' our worship thang....and I just started singing..cuz I was happy (just before God told me to push my manual chair down the school hallway by myself...just to exercise my arms...and my arms were slightly sore after it..but I feel so invigorated by the experience..that I'm gonna do it again...and again...and again) Yeah, so anyway, I was praising the Lord in this group (B.A.S.I.C. Brothers and Sisters in Christ) and I just began to sing my heart out....(very badly, despite the presence of females in the room) and I just praised him more..cuz even a month..and definetly a year ago...I would have been too self concious...especially with the sing in front of them (with them..they have beutiful voices...btw...;))...but now my God has given me strength and faith to praise him in the temples and streets...that now I will sing of him throughout all the Schools, Parks, Streets, Sidewalks, Garages, Coffee Houses, Pizzareas, Concerts, Podiums, Benches, lamposts....o...yeah....another thing to praise my lord for....Narnia.....THANK YOU LORD....yeah....lost my thread there...but my God is so great....and I praise him....for through him...I am ALREADY HEALED...SO DANKE ABBA...(see now I'm speaking in one day though) And today I also found out that many of my evangelical poems are gonna come out in the Literary Magazine on Monday or Tuesday....and people will finally be able to see Jeshua workin' through me via poetry and a story (all on my blog already) but, just another thing to thank my lord for. And also for my freinds that are just suddenly popping up EVERYWHERE....AND IT IS SO COOL...AND I THANK GOD...Anyway.....
These are all my freinds on blogger: (Gregory- the olive oil emperor :)) (Cliff- the piercing hobbit) (Ian- biggest Breaking Benjamin fan I know :)) (Tasso- the Greek philosophical dude)
God Bless
About Me
- Psalmer
- "There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain." -Babylon 5