(photo compliments of the BBC)
Fine Illusion
Wake up!
Wake up ye masses!
You who sit idly by and watch!
While the world falls before you!
Pass the cup!
Get off your asses!
All you do is blame others for this botch!
Well, it’s our fault too!
We just stand here and do nothing!
As governments around us crumble!
We are too fearful to act!
But we must pick up the torch!
My generation, you who are looking for something!
Heedless to the thunders’ rumble!
Blind to countless cities sacked!
As armies’ feet pound on our porch!
So what are we to do you ask!
Who are we to trust?
Who will save us?
Who can we put our faith in?
And I tell you; this is our task!
Before the bombs turn us all to dust!
Some seem to have found what we all someday must!
Some have found their kin!
They are at peace!
Amidst this world in chains!
They pray for our souls!
They pray for their sons and daughters who are still enticed!
For they will not rest until we fly like geese!
Until the last car bomb ceases to plague the lanes!
We must come up out of our respective holes!
They wait for us to find our savior, our Christ!