About Me

"There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain." -Babylon 5

Monday, July 17, 2006

Figure Eights

Dear Brothers.....and Sisters,

Whoa. This last week has been....its felt like God just throwing four trains at each side of my brain and just crushing all my former assumptions and expectations about life....it was just.......whoa..........God is good....and again....as I've said like fitty times before....he is awesome

So ok....I went to a week long camp at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland to do college admission stuff (which included SAT Prep, College Application creation, Essay for Application writing etc....) This all went very well, I was able to go away from my house...and my parents...and be independent and...outgoing to peeps my own age that I had met just a week before. Pretaining to colleges, I have a better idea of what type of Uni I'd like to go to: a small-medium- liberal arts college that is near a large town like white plains. This way, its a campus and community feel...so all the other kids know me...and its sorta like a Fellowship kinda deal. (Also you get more individual attention from the professors) So on that front it went awesome...and I haven't even gotten to the spiritual part yet....

The first day I was a little nervous and apprehensive...because I haven't been away from home longer than 6 days....and like three years ago. I sit down at lunch with this dude....and before he even starts eating....he prays over his food....and it was like God was telling me: you were meant to be here...I want you to be here. So from then on I just tried to be outgoing...and introduced myself to everyone on the first day. Another kid and I got really close in about five seconds....and we already felt a bond....like brothers (another thing that was really cool was that almost everyone there was Christian of some breed.....like not kidding....even the frikken dude who drove the bus to some colleges was a Christian.....)

To parrellel the conflict occuring in the Middle East as we speak (pray for Isreal and for God's protection of his holy city where he will come for the second coming)...our little group of twenty seven gals and guys had a little strife. I'm not really sure...but some white kids from Westchester (sorry to make stereotypes..but we all know its true) were picking on this kid who looked kinda arab (he wasn't..from Bangledesh....for all u history rejects...thats near India and Pakistan)(and he was a really cool kat by the way).....and this dude that I got really close to got really involved in it...and tried to calm the tensions (he's that sorta guy..always helping...helped me a shit load of times during the week....again the Lord provides)...but all he ended up doing was riling himself up..so I talked to him and told him what kind of people are from Westchester (not all of you....I just enjoy bitching about life in the Hills)...and then b/c God is like this: those same girls who were........ to the other dude....come up to my room that night.....bring me pizza from the pizza party...then hang out w/ just my freind and me and help me w/ my chair.....so God was really able to humble me (So they showed that they were not "westchester")

So coming back from College Visits the next day (long ride like an hour) this brother that I got really close to.....just begins to weep...but not b/c of anger and pain.....but because of joy....he apparently got so riled up that one of the teachers (a christian) pulled him aside (Andrew (the dude) said that he felt like he was gonna die....like..for a good cause...b/c I had just told him about what was going down in Isreal...and w/ all this tension at the camp we all thought the world was ending (didn't even hear about the TORNADO IN WESTCHESTER......SIGNS OF THE TIMES ANYONE?)....and this teacher told him about how when Frodo (in Lord of the Rings for all you conformists who need to know about this stuff) went with the ring....he wasn't the strongest or the fastest or the most able to save the world....but he was the most humble.....he was the most giving....(I hope I told it right...correct me if I'm wrong Andrew....)

So he starts crying and saying what an inspiration I've been to him (and I'm not gonna get into that...b/c I don't want to come across as egotistical and self-seeking) (essentially he just told me for a peep in my situation to have such joy...was cool) but he was sobbing...and I was like....no no no....its not me....its God whose given me the grace to do that. The reason why I'm so happy is that I've got Awesome Abba to tap into.....so we prayed...and I prayed for Isreal...which I think he needed to...after he was "staring down his demons". But I mean....whoa......in telling me that it really blessed me....and this kid has such a helping heart...and he tried to tell me that b/c he saw that joy in me he wanted to give it to other people ....but I know it wasn't just me...and it all didn';t happen that week....but....a girl there asked me why he was so nice.....and he is...and as I told him.....I'm blessed to have him as a brother.....

Anyway.....before you accuse me of being a fruit....that night we had a service in my room with him and another brother......another dude that has a heart for helping people....and a teacher came in and prayed with us..and we read the bible.....read Psalm 24 and John (whole book) again if you get the chance..the teacher was reading this passage in John, where Jesus tells the diciples: "I have prepared a place for you"...and all my worry about getting into the right college..and it being the perfect fit just washed away...because I know God has prepared a place for me....as he prepared a place for me last week.....whoa.....I mean...so much stuff goin on last week that I can't remember it all to post it in a blog (see previous post....has a poem about Andrew in it- lol....he said I was a "breath of fresh air"......its God)

Ok...now that all this self-congratulating has gone to my head....

This is David,
Signing off


I love you all so much
God Bless