About Me

"There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain." -Babylon 5

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Ghosts of the past,
Haunt solitary corridors,

Letters from loves gone by,
Of wistful lips kissed beneath the blue sky,

Breeze that flutters
Lack luster

Memories gently drift to the surface

Pianos play softly in the back,
Melancholic epiphanies begin to crack,

Aged men left all alone,
All those they cared for have passed,

Masters looking for something more,
Before they step beyond eternity’s door,

Tears fill distant gray eyes,
Reminiscing on times gone by,

Yet they never truly found a home,
Their bound spirits forever doomed to roam,

Beyond the open windows,
Rain begins to spill upon the lawn,

The pianist concludes his song of somber,
The elder; outcast and misfit; there no longer....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres

Ariel Fifty-One

Yea, I did it again,
Yea, I stepped over the line,
Poison dripped from my battered pen,
I ignored every warning and sign,

I’m such a fathead,
And was proved in the wrong,
I wish I hadn’t said all the things I’ve said,
My faith is none too strong,

Yet I’m reminded every time I fall,
Of the reasons I was put on this green earth,
Still rolling on the Road to Damascus like Paul,
Scrabbling in the sludge of slipping self worth,

Though I’ve finally carved a way,
I’ve finally found those I can trust,
No longer alone beyond the fray,
Though of the Life Bread I’ve barely licked the crust,

Yahweh provides,
Sending what I need,
Brothers and Sisters at my sides,
Cleansing my twisted creed,

Even when I try to turn my back,
And ignore my Fathers’ wisdom,
He has faith that I’ll get the knack,
Forgiving me in his holy princedom,

I asked, he gave,
I wept, he was there,
I was lost, he whispered in my troubled cave,
I was blind, he sent me a friend with a prayer,

How could I doubt?
How could I stumble?
For so long all I could do was curl up into a ball and pout,
Now I’m part of that prophetic rumble,

He is the God of Love,
He forgives all foolish notions,
Even if I’m confused by things above,
Filling me with the only true emotions,

Though the flesh is unwilling,
When the spirit descends,
I realize all my senseless time killing,
He gives me the grace to make amends,

For I must always be changing,
He will not let go until he rocks my complacency,
Always churning; always re-arranging,
Challenging all the laws of “decency”,

I know I’m never alone,
For my God is all around,
My songs will have a sweet tone,
And my joy will never cease to abound...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Draconis Bonus

October Skies, Sober Cries

Red dawn ascending,
Battered warrior of the night,
Spreads tattered wings; preparing for flight,
Bringing light to a land in desperate need of mending,

Letting loose a cry of defiance,
To a world ruled by bondage and stone,
Except for the seeds that refused to be left unsown,
Destined to form a loving alliance,

Even when the prince of flame,
Felt alone and his fire spluttering into mere embers,
And the ache consumed him more than all cold Decembers,
Warmth came to him that was beyond name,

The wind brought joy,
Beyond all contemplation,
Deeper than just minor elation,
Or what an easy victory could deploy,

For even though the darkness will,
Come creeping back,
Draco has his pack,
And they’ll all be waiting for it on the other side of the hill,

So this is why the dragon,
Roars to the twilight,
As Lore of Bravery engulfs all fright,
And a mountain of Goods fills every wagon,

That is the song of the winged one,
Beaten down yet triumphant,
Unsatisfied with Earthly comfort,
As he awaits the coming of the Son....